
  • Wann:
  • Ort:
  • London Chelsea

money therapy - the cure for all financial problems

Das Money Seminar der Zukunft

The psychology of money-therapy for a meaningful life and work


"A successful person is not necessarily happy, but a happy person is successful!"

Helmut-Whitey Kritzinger has been constantly successful for 30 years in 12 countries as a trainer, author and entrepreneur and is himself a multiple millionaire as well as debt-free.
He passes on as a diploma psychologist his lasting experiences to a new SINN economy, which is world-wide very strongly in the coming and today already by the generations Y and Z (to 38 years) to be lived and practiced....Read more ....19 sides free article) English Translation is coming soon or take!

This seminar is not a motivation or show seminar and also without "Tschakka-Actions", please note this, from therefore you are neither promised, you could change your life in one day or MillionärIn to become would be somehow easy!



- The sensible use of money, identity and communication

- The psychology of money - the new money consciousness - having and being and the 7 backgrounds of money problems.

- Neuromarketing - Why good marketing surely works

- The sense economy

- Oikonomia and Eudamonia - The art of living and working well - what Aristotle already knew.

- Money therapy - Dealing with guilt and feelings of guilt, giving and taking as an indicator of self-worth. Why the will to achieve makes you sick rather than happy. The good art of saying no. Seeing through demarcation problems and letting go of external determination.

- Serenity and money - The money yoga of the new age.

- Money and sexuality

- The meaning of wealth and money in the future

- Financial intelligence in everyday life

Start: October 19, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. End: Sunday, October, 2024 at 4:30 p.m.
Speaker: Helmut-Whitey von Kritzinger, London (
Location: London Chelsea, quiet hotel in the countryside, easy to reach, directions will be sent with the seminar confirmation.
Overnight stay: In the hotel, Ü/FR up to 125.- £
Seminar fee: 980.- € netto

Copycats: Hello Copycats, the title "Money-Therapy" is protected EU-wide (Incl. Switzerland), as well as in Great Britain and the USA as "Money-Therpapy" - Registrationsnr. 019091026


In addition to the combination of mindfulness and self-optimization, there are many other topics that could make “Money Yoga” a bestseller. These include behavioral economic approaches, financial resilience, sustainable investments, the role of money in relationships and family, financial self-efficacy, and the integration of historical, cultural and ethical perspectives. These topics offer readers deeper insights and practical strategies to lead a more conscious, free and financially independent life. By addressing these multifaceted aspects, the book increases its relevance and appeal to a broad readership and positions itself as a unique and comprehensive guide.... look at the book


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